duminică, 28 martie 2010

Love is eternity

Never misunderstand love for something else. If love is really love... What do I mean when I say 'really love'? I mean that JUST BEING IN THE PRESENCE OF THE OTHER YOU FEEL SUDDENLY HAPPY. Just being together you feel ecstatic. Just the very presence of the other fulfills something deep in your heart. Something starts singing in your heart -- you fall into harmony. Just the very presence of the other helps you to be together: you become more individual, more centered, more grounded. Then it is love.

Love is not a passion, love is not an emotion. LOVE IS A VERY DEEP UNDERSTANDING THAT SOMEBODY SOMEHOW COMPLETES YOU. Somebody makes you a full circle. The presence of the other enhances your presence.

Love gives freedom to be yourself -- it is not possessiveness.

So, watch. Never think of sex as love -- otherwise you will be deceived. Be alert. And when you start feeling with someone that just the presence, the pure presence -- nothing else, nothing else is needed. You don't ask anything -- JUST THE PRESENCE, JUST THAT THE OTHER IS, IS ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU HAPPY... something starts flowering within you, thousand and one lotuses bloom. THEN YOU ARE IN LOVE, and then you can pass through all the difficulties that reality creates.

MANY ANGUISHES, MANY ANXIETIES -- YOU WILL BE ABLE TO PASS THROUGH ALL OF THEM. And your love will be flowering more and more -- because all those situations will become challenges. And your love, by overcoming them, will become more and more strong.

LOVE IS ETERNITY. If it is there, then it goes on growing and growing. Love knows the beginning but does not know the end.

The Discipline of Transcendence

joi, 25 martie 2010

marți, 23 martie 2010

Strive for excellence

"Whatever you do today, put your whole heart and soul into it.

Let mediocre be dammed. Strive for excellence!" ~ Veronica Hay

Do one thing today to make your world more beautiful.

Light a candle, sip tea out of a lovely cup, walk in nature. etc.

Enjoy and have a delicious day.

May there be a miracle in YOUR life today and may you have the EYES to see it.

luni, 22 martie 2010


Write down all the great things about everyone you know.
Make a huge list of all the wonderful things about you.
Compliment sincerly people wherever you go.
Praise every single thing you see.
Be a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet, and make their day better for having seen you.
Say "Thank you" at every turn.
Walk, talk, think, and breathe appreciation and gratitude.
When you do this, your outer life will change to reflect your inner state of being.
May the joy be with you!

duminică, 7 martie 2010

Invitatie Meditatie pe Inima

Avem bucuria sa va invitam
Sambata, 20 Martie 2010

la o prezentare a Meditatiei pe Inima si a practicii Sahaj Marg.

Intrarea este gratuita.

Coordonatele intalnirii:

Centrul de Excelenta
str. O.Goga nr. 23
Cartierul Grigorescu

ora 11.00 am
persoana de contact:
Daniela, tel.0745.818.852

"Cand l-ati cautat pe Dumnezeu peste tot fara a-L gasi, reveniti sa il cautati in propria inima, acolo El vi se va revela." Shri P.Rajagopalachari