luni, 27 august 2012
joi, 23 august 2012
Inner Sun
If God should shine his light and love on your heart,
I promise you will shine brighter than a dozen of suns.
I promise you will shine brighter than a dozen of suns.
luni, 20 august 2012
Love and Change
Those who don't feel this Love pulling them like a river,
those who don't drink dawn like a cup of spring water or take in sunset like supper,
those who don't want to change, let them sleep.
Jelaluddin Rumi
duminică, 19 august 2012
vineri, 17 august 2012
God as Beloved

"Let us think ourselves to be the lover
and God as the Beloved.
Proceed on with the same feeling,
the course would be easier.
The result that will follow in due course
woud be that
God himself shall become the lover
and we the beloved.
That is really the fourth stage of meditation..."
Babuji, Complete works, vol 2.
luni, 13 august 2012
sâmbătă, 11 august 2012
marți, 17 aprilie 2012
Billu - o comedie de succes cu Shahrukh Khan
Comedia cu bărbierul Billu îl are în centru pe acest om simplu, care trăieşte alături de soţie şi de copii, într-o comunitate oarecare. Când în localitate se mută o celebritate, toată lumea parcă o ia razna şi îşi schimbă radical comportamentul. Până şi viaţa comunităţii, obiceiurile şi relaţiile dintre oameni se mofiică. Impactul pe care vedeta pare să îl aibă asupra tuturor îl ocoleşte pe bărbierul Billu, care îţi vede mai departe de treabă. Dar poate un singur om care rămâne normal să îi influenteze pe ceilalţi sau numai vedetele pot face asta?
Filmul este excelent, oricum fiecare film în care apare Shakrukh Khan este un film de succes. Legătura dintre oameni care se regăseşte în fim este foarte rar întâlnită, o prietenie adevărată şi de lungă durată, e cam greu de găsit în ziua de azi...Pelicula îţi va stârni şi câteva zâmbete, împreună cu reflectarea lumii rurale din India în toată coloratura ei.
Mulţumesc Shahrukh Khan pentru talentul tau ce inspira necontenit! Billu rămâne un film care înveseleşte şi atinge inimile...
Sunt recunoscătoare pentru cei ce traduc filmele hindi în română. Mă bucur că astfel avem acces la mesajele filmelor indiene ce emană o umanitate extraordinară. Mulţumesc încă o dată echipei de traducători!
Vizionare placută!
cu drag,
sâmbătă, 7 aprilie 2012
The Lord is in Me
The Lord is in me, and the Lord is in you,
As life is hidden in every seed.
So rubble your pride, my friend,
And look for Him withing you.
When I sit in the heart of His world
A million suns blaze with light,
A burning blue sea spreads across the sky,
Life's turmoil falls quiet,
All the saints of sufferint wash away.
Listen to the unstruck bells and drums!
Love is here; plunge into its rupture!
Rains pour down without water,
River are streams of light.
How could I ever express
How blessed I feel
To revel in such vast ecstasy
in my own body?
This is the music
Of soul and soul meeting.
Of the forgetting of all grief.
This is the music.
That transcends all coming and going.
As life is hidden in every seed.

And look for Him withing you.
When I sit in the heart of His world
A million suns blaze with light,
A burning blue sea spreads across the sky,
Life's turmoil falls quiet,
All the saints of sufferint wash away.
Listen to the unstruck bells and drums!
Love is here; plunge into its rupture!
Rains pour down without water,
River are streams of light.
How could I ever express
How blessed I feel
To revel in such vast ecstasy
in my own body?
This is the music
Of soul and soul meeting.
Of the forgetting of all grief.
This is the music.
That transcends all coming and going.
luni, 2 aprilie 2012
Universal Prayer for the world
You can also contribute to the change in the world...
Let us make a little effort of time and will.
Join us in Universal Prayer for all beings.
Every evening from 9.00 – 9.15pm let’s pray for peace and love in the world.
For 15 minutes each of us pray from heart that:
”All brothers and sisters are being filled up with love and devotion
and that real faith is growing strong in them.”
Rugaciune din Inima
Şi tu poţi contribui la schimbarea lumii...
Să facem împreună un mic efort de timp şi voinţă.
Participă şi tu la Rugăciune Universală
pentru toate
În fiecare seară de la ora 21:00 la 21:15 să ne rugăm
pentru pace şi iubire în lume.
pentru pace şi iubire în lume.
15 minute în care fiecare îşi îndreaptă atenţia spre inimă
şi se roagă că
fraţii şi surorile sunt umpluţi cu Iubire şi Devoţiune şi Adevărata Credinţă creşte mai puternic în ei.”
sâmbătă, 31 martie 2012
A beautiful story
Dedicated to my mother.
It was a hot summer day during the month of July 1976.
All day the clouds were gathering in the sky and in the evening the storm started.
She was too excited about giving birth.
But her husband was there next to her with all his heart.
They knew a girl would come in their family.
During the whole night. it rained just like my mother's pain.
At 6.30 in the morning, I came to life and I was crying
with joy all the tears I had. It was my first day on this Planet, on the 5th of July, 1976.
My mommy was exhausted but her happiness was worth all her efforts. All the family felt gratitude that both,
mother and daughter were safe and healthy.
She remained in hospital for one more week to recover. A new job started at that time for her: being a mother, the most beautiful job in the world...
Written on 27th March 2012,
Cluj Napoca
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