luni, 27 august 2012

joi, 23 august 2012

Inner Sun

If God should shine his light and love on your heart, 
I promise you will shine brighter than a dozen of suns.


luni, 20 august 2012

Love and Change

Those who don't feel this Love pulling them like a river,
 those who don't drink dawn like a cup of spring water or take in sunset like supper, 

those who don't want to change, let them sleep.

Jelaluddin Rumi

Mama, născătoare de Dumnezeu

„Când vezi sufletul curat 
şi nevinovat al unui copil,
 îţi vine parcă să zici că orice mamă 
e o «născătoare de Dumnezeu»”. 
Francis Bacon


May I cover you in my arms

tight till your heart 

touches my beat

May I breath your breath

May I drink your sweetness in 


May I become one in you

May I...

May I... 

Prayer with pearled heart


you become light

like air

and fly away 

to your origin...

vineri, 17 august 2012

God as Beloved

"Let us think ourselves to be the lover
 and God as the Beloved. 

Proceed on with the same feeling, 
the course would be easier. 
The result that will follow in due course 
woud be that 
God himself shall become the lover
 and we the beloved. 

That is really the fourth stage of meditation..."

Babuji, Complete works, vol 2. 

sâmbătă, 11 august 2012


To be in God
to share Onneness
to be in craving of Light and Love
to be in New attitude.