Yes, Love has conquered time and space .
Last evening I saw a very original movie "Lake House"
with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves.
The story stresses that the Reality is the one
we create in our mind and their coordonates may be expresed beyond the time and space.
The subject is revealed to us in a misterious way, because they share their chemistry of love in parralel times.
As the characters get to know each other through correspondence, the film seduces you into suspended belief.
Even she lives in the future and him in the past, they make possible to make their love to become possible in Present.
Thank You, sis Roji for sharing this movie-gift!
venha conhecer meu blogue, beijos e bom dia!
RăspundețiȘtergereSe amar-te foi um pecado,
então já estou sentenciado.
Meu corpo já não me pertence,
minha mente foi subjugada,
pertinaz, só tenciona ter-te.
Espero de Deus, apenas piedade
quando penitente eu morrer de amor
tenha da minha dor, compaixão
e absolva o espírito deste homem
que em desatino para ti entregou:
o corpo, a alma e o coração!
Valter Montani