marți, 8 noiembrie 2011

Movie "3 Idiots" ~ Incredible Comedy ♥

This wonderful Movie “3 Idiots” is a great combination of humor, love, emotion, geniality, friendship and knowledge all in One.

The story of the Indian film is really unique, it is a lightheartead and entertaining journey of three friends as they try to figure themselves out and share unforgettable experiences.
The Bolywood movie contains three hours of laughing, crying, amazing scenes, views and very touching music as well. The mantra used in any challenging situations was a great gesture pointing to the heart: “All is Well”, which became very known nowadays.
The main lesson of the movie is  a real message of friendship and life…

What is surprising is that Aamir Khan, the main actor, is 45 years old and he plays the role of a student.
I would grade with a 9 this movie, which is better situated than many American productions…

Once again the Indian cinematography shows its talent: an incredible movie J.

joi, 20 octombrie 2011

Meditatia Inimii ~

Chemarea spiritualitatii denumita "Vocea dinauntru", este subtila si linistita. Avand in vedere cerintele ce in fiecare zi incearca sa ne capteze atentia, este nevoie de o determinare speciala pentru a face loc vietii noastre Interioare...

Aici ajungem la intelepciunea de a urma o practica de meditatie in viata de zi cu zi.  Cand ne facem Timp pentru a Hrani dezvoltarea noastra interioara, Sinele Interior ne raspunde cu o Iluminare a Inimii si cu un sentiment profund de Pace si Calm. 

Ce este Meditatia?

Meditatia ne antreneaza mintea sa se regularizeze si ne poarta dincolo de activitatea exterioara spre Linistea interioara din Inima noastra, unde ne gasim conectati la Esenta noastra Divina. Se dezvolta o stare de echilibru in care suntem mai putin afectati de suisurile si coborasurile de peste zi. Capacitatea noastra naturala pentru intelepciune si actiuni corecte incepe sa se manifeste si ne permite sa punem prioritatile contradictorii ale vietii intr-un mod mai intelept.  

De ce Sahaj Marg?

Sahaj Marg este denumita Calea Naturala, o practica simpla de Meditatie asupra Inimii. 
Derivata din sistemul acestral de Raja Yoga, Sahaj Marg se preda la nivel mondial, fara niciun cost. Cu cat este practicata mai sincer, cu atat aduce mai rapid un echilibru intre viata spirituala si viata materiala. 

Adevaratul Scop al acestei pregatiri spirituale este de a purta Aspirantul la cel mai inalt scope al Existentei Umane: Realizarea Sinelui sau Realizarea lui Dumnezeu. 

Sunteti invitati sa explorati potentialul acestui Sistem de Meditatie intr-o intalnire de Sambata, 22 Oct.2011, ora 13.
Si in masura in care va inspira, sa il integrati in viata voastra de zi cu zi.
Nu se percep taxe de niciun fel si oricine este binevenit. 

Programul Evenimentului
- Prezentare realizata de reprezentati Sahaj Marg
- Scurta pauza de cafea
- Intrebari si Raspunsuri 

Pentru confirmare de prezenta, va rugam sa reveniti cu un telefon inainte la  Daniela 0745.818.852

‎"By working for your own transformation you contribute to transforming humanity"...Babuji~

marți, 20 septembrie 2011

21 Septembrie - Ziua Internationala a Pacii

Ziua Internationala a Pacii, e un simbol a ceea ce
milioane de oameni spera sa traiasca zi de zi...

Haideti sa ne Unim inimile in aceasta zi si sa ne rugam
pentru pace si iubire in lume...

21 Septembrie 2011, de la ora 21.00- 21.15 sa ne indreptam atentia spre inima si sa ne rugam pentru Binele Umanitatii...

International Day of Peace  celebrated on 21st September is not only a unual day but it it a Day in which different people hope in Peace in the world.

Let's make an effort and unite togheter to pray for Love and Peace in the world...The Time to unite our hearts in one for the Good of Humanity can be this Day. From 9.00 to 9.15 pm let us pray in our hearts...

luni, 5 septembrie 2011

Where Do You Search Me?

Where do you search me?
I am with you
Not in pilgrimage, nor in icons
Neither in solitudes
Not in temples, nor in mosques
Neither in Kaba nor in Kailash
I am with you O man
I am with you
Not in prayers, nor in meditation
Neither in fasting
Not in yogic exercises
Neither in renunciation
Neither in the vital force nor in the body
Not even in the ethereal space
Neither in the womb of Nature
Not in the breath of the breath
Seek earnestly and discover
In but a moment of search
Says Kabir, Listen with care
Where your faith is, I am there.


joi, 2 iunie 2011

Dumnezeu este Iubire

Inteligenta fara dragoste, te face pervers.
Justitia fara dragoste, te face implacabil.
Diplomatia fara dragoste, te face ipocrit.
Succesul fara dragoste, te face arogant.
Bogatia fara dragoste, te face avar.
Supunerea fara dragoste, te face servil.
Saracia fara dragoste, te face orgolios.
Frumusetea fara dragoste, te face ridicol.
Autoritatea fara dragoste, te face tiran.
Munca fara dragoste, te face sclav.
Simplitatea fara dragoste, isi pierde valoarea.
Vorbele fara dragoste, te fac introvertit.
Legea fara dragoste, te supune.
Politica fara dragoste, te face egoist.
Credinta fara dragoste, te face fanatic.
Crucea fara dragoste, reprezinta tortura.

vineri, 18 martie 2011

Fragrance of sharing

If you have roses and you share them,
the smell will remain in your hands,
but their beauty will enjoy someone else's soul...

miercuri, 16 martie 2011

5 Ways To Heal Your Heart

As you know, your heart center is the energy center connected with your capacity to give and receive love. If you've been wounded emotionally in your life (and so many of us have), how you managed your heart energy had – and may still have – an impact on your experience of love today.

But even if you've made it into adulthood unscathed by the slings and arrows of love, energizing the heart chakra to expand your capacity to give and receive love – to and from all of life – is a healing gift to all of us. So here's a few things for you to experiment with in order to build your physical heart and super-charge your energetic one.

1. Do a few Push-ups

I know, I know, some of you are thinking, "You're not serious, are you?" Well, Push-ups aren't my favorite either, but I'm not talking about boot-camp. Just two or three push-ups done with a focus on your heart center's movement toward the earth and back again helps build your heart-felt connection with the heart of our planet. Just straighten your body from knees to head, with your weight on straightened arms – palms flat on the ground. Take in a deep breath. Exhale. And on the next inhalation, bend your elbows and lower yourself as far as it feels comfortable. You don't have to go very far. The important thing here is to keep your focus on your heart area while imagining a ray of green light coming up from the earth and into your heart chakra.

2. Hug Yourself       

This let's you physically demonstrate your love and appreciation for yourself, which activates your heart chakra. You can add affirmative statements like "I love you," or "I really love and appreciate myself," or "even though I've sometimes blocked my heart, I deeply love and appreciate myself."

3. Lift your Heart to the Heavens

I love this one and do it a few times every day. Simply stretch your arms out wide and imagine your heart literally lifting toward the sky. Breath in deep and say to yourself or out loud: "I open my heart to the love of the Divine" (or God or whatever word has most meaning to you.) You can also do this when you feel too much ego-mind; or you can do this to surrender your heart to your higher self, your angels or guides. The most important thing is that is has meaning to you and that you allow the love to come through.

4. Breath from your Heart

I've been practicing this method of conscious breathing for almost two years now and it's noticeably deepened my awareness of what my heart chakra is up to throughout my day. Whenever I go into meditation, I roll my eyes up and back toward the back of my head. From there I imagine that energy going downward into my heart. Once I feel it there, I inhale and draw the breath from that heart space, as I visualize energy pouring from the heavens into my heart. Sometimes it's pure white light or golden light. But with each breath, I see the light pouring in to my heart  Center as I inhale, then spreading out through my entire being as I exhale.

5. The Heart Chant

I love this chant and sing it any time I'm starting to feel overwhelmed by too much thinking. It goes like this: "I open my Heart in Sweet Surrender to the Luminous Lovelight of the One!" I just sing it over and over again until I start to let go the mind and return to loving energy of my heart.
Your Turn! What do you do to connect with your heart energy? If you've got a particular exercise, movement, mantra or chant that works for you, please leave me a comment and let me know!

Sent by Claudia Shakthy

miercuri, 9 martie 2011

Enjoy the Colours of the World

Prepare yourself for an unusual experience : to bathe in the vibration of the Colours and to play with them

Have you ever done that?  I am eager to experience it...Let's see, which is your favorite colour, how do you feel it?

I do not know when or how, but I am amazed and fascinated of the fact that some people in this world celebrate the colours with whole nation...

There is a festival in India called Holi, or the festival of Colours, during the month of March and it symbolises the beginning of the spring. India is a very colourful and vibrant country.

Imagine you bath in the bright colours of the world,
and  enjoy the feeling of the atmosphere of joy and mirth.

It can be said, "Life turns Colourful" when it is time for Holi.          

Whatever be the choice of colour would be, nobody remains in their original texture at the end of the play. And everybody takes delight looking at the other. Really, the other name of the festival is FUN.

There is a great deal of merriment and laughter and it is believed to be an occasion when old enmities are forgotten and a spirit of brotherhood prevails all around.

Take most delight of the colours,
follow your heart and give yourself a chance
to explore the heights of the enthusiasm.

Be the Colour of Life you love!

Wish you all a very Happy Holi and Enjoy Colours!

marți, 8 martie 2011

Time flyes

Happiness is the state of mind in which you are independent of the external world.

Take a break of thinking and contemplate your soul flying...

Celebrate the Miracle of Womanhood

"From today I recreate the Woman, I celebrate the Miracle of feminity and I allow it to manifest into my life.

I transform my soul in an inner beauty salon,
my body in fragrant temple
and my mind in a mind lab,
because to be a woman means not only
to give birth to a child,
but to give birth to everything that surrounds us.

From today I give birth to all my dreams!"

thank to Adela Moldovan

vineri, 4 martie 2011

Intelligence of the heart

Choosing where to put your Attention
is the Highest practice of the Intelligence.

To focus is life.


Never forget: the secret of creating riches for oneself is to create them for others.

Sir John Templeton

joi, 3 martie 2011

The Reality of the Heart

Just as the Sun is our source of external light and warmth, the Heart is our source of internal light and warmth: Awareness and Love.

The light of awareness radiates out from the center of our heart, energizing every cell of our body and illuminating our mind as it does so.

When we center our awareness back at its very source, we experience peace, clarity and the inner warmth that we call Love.

Meditatia, spatiu al Imacularii

Meditaţia este un exerciţiu prin care ne străduim să ne înălţam cât mai sus posibil în lumea spirituală.
Iisus spunea: Clădiţi-vă casa pe stâncă. Stânca este un simbol al planului cauzal. În planul cauzal vă aflaţi în siguranţă, deoarece vă găsiţi foarte sus, pe un teren foarte stabil, şi nimic nu vă poate atinge. Dacă vă construiţi locuinţa în planul mental sau în planul astral, cu gânduri şi sentimente oarecare, obişnuite, vă veţi împotmoli în mlaştini şi veţi fi mereu vulnerabili. Trebuie să vă instalaţi pe înălţimile planului cauzal, iar meditaţia este cea care vă proiectează până acolo.

Va propunem Meditatia pe Inima, o cale simpla de contemplare a Divinitatii din noi insine.

Va invitam Duminica, 6 Martie 2011 sa descoperim impreuna din tainele Meditatiei. Pe cei interesati, va rugam sa ne contactati telefonic la telefon 0745 818 852, Daniela.