marți, 20 septembrie 2011

21 Septembrie - Ziua Internationala a Pacii

Ziua Internationala a Pacii, e un simbol a ceea ce
milioane de oameni spera sa traiasca zi de zi...

Haideti sa ne Unim inimile in aceasta zi si sa ne rugam
pentru pace si iubire in lume...

21 Septembrie 2011, de la ora 21.00- 21.15 sa ne indreptam atentia spre inima si sa ne rugam pentru Binele Umanitatii...

International Day of Peace  celebrated on 21st September is not only a unual day but it it a Day in which different people hope in Peace in the world.

Let's make an effort and unite togheter to pray for Love and Peace in the world...The Time to unite our hearts in one for the Good of Humanity can be this Day. From 9.00 to 9.15 pm let us pray in our hearts...

luni, 5 septembrie 2011

Where Do You Search Me?

Where do you search me?
I am with you
Not in pilgrimage, nor in icons
Neither in solitudes
Not in temples, nor in mosques
Neither in Kaba nor in Kailash
I am with you O man
I am with you
Not in prayers, nor in meditation
Neither in fasting
Not in yogic exercises
Neither in renunciation
Neither in the vital force nor in the body
Not even in the ethereal space
Neither in the womb of Nature
Not in the breath of the breath
Seek earnestly and discover
In but a moment of search
Says Kabir, Listen with care
Where your faith is, I am there.
