vineri, 17 septembrie 2010
International Day of Peace
International Day of Peace is not an ordinary day in which various people hope for peace in the world. It is a symbol of what millions of people hope to live each day.
Doing a little effort of time and will, from the youngest to oldest, in 21 September 2010, from 9:00 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. pray for peace and love in the world.
15 minutes in which each person is turning to the heart and prays as she feels, for the good of humanity!
joi, 16 septembrie 2010
Invitatie Open House: Meditatia - A fi in Momentul Prezent
Ce este sufletul, de unde vine si incotro pleaca?
De ce ne-am nascut pe pamant si care este scopul vietii? Cum putem sa traim o stare continua de iubire si bucurie astfel incat sa ne imbunatatim nivelul vietii si al fericirii? Cum putem sa dam valoare prezentului si sa devenim mai constienti de gesturile de fiecare zi?
Abia daca putem gasi instrumente mai folositoare si mai eficiente in a realiza Cunoasterea, Adevarata Bucurie si Pace interioara, decat Meditatia zilnica.
Ti-ar prinde foarte bine daca ai putea sa iti rezervi cateva minute dimineata si seara, in care sa fii in liniste cu Sinele tau Superior. Constienta ta se poate extinde dramatic intr-o perioada relativ redusa de timp daca te-ai dedica cu adevarat sa practici aceasta disciplina.
Meditezi regulat? Este cumva primul lucru la care renunti atunci cind lucrurile devin agitate? E clar ca ar trebui sa fie Ultimul lucru...
Este simplu sa fii constient, dar nu este totdeauna usor. Constientizarea presupune efort sustinut si multa disciplina-singura modalitate prin care putem infrange obisnuintele si automatismele noastre.
Meditatia este o metoda de relaxare, improspatare si clarificare a mintii si a inimii. Ea te ajuta sa privesti in interior pentru a descoperi si a te reuni cu esenta ta originala, spirituala. Meditatia ajuta sa integrezi propria identitate spirituala in realitatea sociala si fizica din jurul tau, rerestabilind un echilibru minunat, functional si sanatos intre lumea ta interna si externa.
Majoritatea oamenilor nu realizeaza ca mintea lor gandeste in permanenta. Fluxul continuu de ganduri care emana din mintea noastra nu prea ne permite acele momente de respiro absolut necesare contemplarii si introspectiei. In acest fel, pierdem din vedere acele momente in care pur si simplu existam, fara a alerga si a actiona in permanenta. Meditatia este procesul care ne permite sa invatam cum putem iesi de sub influenta acestui torent.
Ceea ce numim practica meditatiei este, de fapt, efortul de a dezvolta in mod constient capacitatea noastra de a fi in momentul prezent.
Avem bucuria sa va invitam la un Open House despre Meditatia Raja Yoga, meditatia pe inima.
duminica, 19 septembrie 2010 ora 12.00.
Locatia: Cluj Napoca, Str. Eremia Grigorescu, nr. 126, etaj 5 ap 41.
Contact: Daniela - 0745. 818. 852
"Daca-l cunosti pe Dumnezeu vei fi fericit tot timpul. Atat de fericit..."
Va asteptam cu drag!
marți, 7 septembrie 2010
Inception - Arhitecture of the mind
I saw the movie of the year: "Inception" (2010)- unbelievable design for a dreamer who has never dreamed.
DiCaprio plays Dom Cobb, a thief who extracts information from the subconscious mind of his victims while they dream. Planting Ideas successfully into people's minds is something remarkable, wow!
The movie is inspired by concepts of lucid dreaming and dream incubation- plant a seed in the mind...
Composer Hans Zimmer scored the film, using parts of Edith Piaf's song "Non, je ne regrette rien" - I do not regreat anyting...
I bow to Christopher Nolan for making such a great movie...! He is a genius, I applaud him for treating his audiences as intelligent people. A masterpiece, Thank you!
After watching it, you are able to keep asking yourself: " Am I dreaming?"
Inception is magnificent.
luni, 6 septembrie 2010
Who are you living for?
That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first...
when you learn to live for others, they will live for you."
- Paramahansa Yogananda
duminică, 5 septembrie 2010
Esti acolo unde ti-e inima
sâmbătă, 14 august 2010
luni, 9 august 2010
Cele doua voci
Intr-o seara, un batran indian ii explica nepotului sau ce lupta teribila se da in interiorul fiecarei persoane. Si ii spunea asa :
- Exista in fiecare dintre noi doi lupi.
Lupul Raului. El este furia, gelozia, invidia, tristetea, regretele, aroganta, cupiditatea, vinovatia, inferioritatea, minciuna, orgoliul, superioritatea si egocentrismul..
Lupul Binelui. El este bucuria, pacea, iubirea, speranta, linistea, modestia, bunatatea, bunavointa, generozitatea, adevarul si compasiunea.
Dupa o clipa de gandire, nepotelul il intreaba :
- Bunicule... si care lup castiga?
La care batranul ii raspunde simplu :
- Cel pe care il hranesti.
miercuri, 4 august 2010
Incredible India
Una dintre calatoriile vietii mele este cea pe care tocmai am incheiat-o in India, in luna iulie 2010. De ce imi place sa calatoresc? Tocmai pentru ca vad oameni la fel ca mine insa care gandesc si comunica in alta limba, si vad lucrurile altfel decat mine...Cand calatoresti mai des observi cum ti se adanceste sentimentul ca a fi acasa este o stare si nu un spatiu anume. Mai este un mare adevar si anume, ca toti suntem una : asadar am fost sa ne vizitam familia din cealalta parte a globului, deci intr-un fel "tot la noi acasa " am ajuns :).
Cu avionul te simti usor ca un fulg. Schimbarea de peisaj da aripi si te intrebi cum e mersul printre nori...
India, tara tuturor contrastelor, a tuturor culorilor si a tuturor posibilitatilor...fascinatia ei te poate impresiona si atinge cele mai profunde vibratii ale sufletului.
Am ajuns de la 6am in New Delhi, ne astepta un autocar si ne-a luat pe toti cei 40 de romani veniti la care ni s-au alaturat si vreo 3 fracenzi. Drumul prin partea de nord a Indiei a durat 19 ore, pana am ajuns in Lucknow. Aici ne astepta o mare sarbatoare, Bhandara - la care au participat peste 45.000 de oameni de pe tot globul. Extraordinara este unitatea echipei de la organizarea acestui eveniment imens. Spatiul a fost amenajat cu 3 luni inainte, pe o intindere de 1km pe 3km. Impresionanta este munca a voluntarilor implicati in organizare. In plus, gradul de fericire al celor cu care am interactionat!
De ce se bucura de viata ei mai mult si cum de pot aprecia ceea ce au si sa se multumeasca cu asta?
Exista o bucurie de A FI in ochii copiilor cu care ne-am intalnit...molipsitoare!
Vorba unei bune prietene: India trebuie traita cu sufletul. Aici am intalnit cei mai calzi, mai sociabili, mai solidari si mai senini oameni.
Multumesc pentru experienta de puternica transformare !
duminică, 18 iulie 2010
Love is a Nectar
"Feed Yourself with Love. Your heart is craving for it. This need is constantly growing, inciting you to detachment.
How could this cold heart rich this state?
Only love can fill it with wonder and change it. Completly. A life without love is a sad life. Love alone opens the door to the Infinite, showing the best way to be folowed to reach that point.
This is the future of humanity: a heart which divine Love overflows: This is Supreme Food. It's strucutres a being in its esential and unique aspects, with a view to the fusion to the Ultimate.
How could we fill a heart which is not empty?
Maintaining Grace in ourselves. Love is a magic circle, it is our Vocation. "
Babuji, 18th Aug. 2004
sâmbătă, 17 iulie 2010
Cand alegem cu Inima creem Minuni
Cand “decizi” cu inima, practic faci o alegere. Inima nu te minte. Niciodata.
Iata cateva avantaje si consecinte ale alegerilor cu inima:

duminică, 11 iulie 2010
Five Principles for Being Your Authentic Self
1) Know Yourself - Make a commitment to your own personal growth. Discover more of who you are. And, seek out and allow the support, honest feedback, and guidance of others.
2) Transform Your Fear - There's nothing wrong with having fear, it's the resistance and denial of fear that is the real problem. When you admit, own, feel, and express your fear, you have the ability to move through it, transform it, and utilize its power in a positive way. Taking action in the face of fear is courageous and empowering.
3) Express Yourself - Have the courage to speak your truth boldly. Deal with conflicts directly. Express your emotions fully. Be vulnerable and real about what you think and how you feel. While on the surface you may worry that this will be seen as "weak," in actuality expressing yourself completely gives you access to real freedom and power.
4) Be Bold - Live, speak, and act with courage, passion, and truth -- even if it's difficult or scary. Go for what you want in your work and in your life. And get back up when you fall down, which you will.
5) Celebrate Who You Are - Appreciate and honor who you are, what you do, and the gifts and talents that you have. Celebrating yourself is not about being arrogant. It's an awareness of your own power and it's the key to self confidence, fulfillment, and authenticity.
Being your authentic self is not for the faint of heart, but once you're willing to truly engage and do the work to become more real -- your life, your work, and your relationships will be more exciting, meaningful, and fulfilling!
sâmbătă, 10 iulie 2010
The Most- Le plus- Cel mai
Le plus grand handicap : la peur.
Le plus beau jour : aujourd’hui.
La chose la plus facile : se tromper.
La plus grande erreur : abandonner.
Le plus grand défaut : l’égoïsme.
La plus grande distraction : le travail.
La pire banqueroute : le découragement.
Les meilleurs professeurs : les enfants.
Le plus grand besoin : le bon sens.
Le plus bas sentiment : la jalousie.
Le plus beau présent : le pardon.
La plus grande connaissance : Dieu.
La plus belle chose au monde : l’amour.
Cei mai buni profesori: copiii.
Cea mai mare nevoie: bunul simţ.
Cel mai josnic sentiment: gelozia.
Cel mai frumos cadou: iertarea.
O mai mareata cunoaştere: Dumnezeu.
Cel mai frumos lucru din lume: Dragostea.
The greatest handicap: fear.
The best day: today.
The easiest thing: a mistake.
The greatest mistake: giving up.
The lowest sentiment of jealousy.
The most beautiful present: forgiveness.
The greatest knowledge: God.
The most beautiful thing in the world: love.
joi, 8 iulie 2010
Am venit sa stralucesc
sa te trag de urechi,
si sa te aduc inapoi la tine insuti.
Te voi face sa-ti uiti egoismul
si frica,
iar apoi am sa te duc
in Inima
si in sufletul Regelui Sufetelor.
Am veni ca briza primaverii
la tine, o, camp de flori,
ca sa te tin langa mine,
sa te imbratisez.
Am venit sa stralucesc asupra ta
cand mergi pe aceasta Cale.
Ca rugaciunea indragostitilor
Te voi ajuta sa atingi
acoperisul cerurilor...
De la praful pamantului pana la o fiinta umana
sunt mii de pasi.
Am fost cu tine la fiecare pas,
Te-am tinut de mana si am mers impreuna."
miercuri, 7 iulie 2010
Această transpunere se poate face pentru atâtea alte activităţi...
Depinde de voi să le observaţi, analizându-le, cum le puteţi transforma într-un plan superior."
marți, 6 iulie 2010
Pure Awareness
Remember that the other person is you. - Yogi Bhajan
The greatest treasure is a contented heart. - John O'Donohue
'Come to the edge,' he said.
They said, 'We are afraid.'
'Come to the edge,' he said.
They came. He pushed them, and they flew... - Guillaume Apollinaire
There is only one truth alive in the human heart.
This truth is love. Follow this love and it will set you free.
vineri, 2 iulie 2010
Love is a river
Frecventa compasiunii - Jasmuheen
De fiecare data cand Jasmuheen vine in Romania se “intampla” ceva magic oamenilor care o intalnesc. Are o caldura interioara extraordinara si radiaza atat de multa iubire si armonie incat e imposibil sa nu te transformi intr-o “versiune” mai buna a ta insuti. E un privilegiu sa o privesti, sa o asculti si sa beneficiezi de intelepciunea aceastei femei ce a depasit de mult limitarile planului fizic, hranindu-se cu energie, comunicand cu entitati inaltate, lucrand pentru o noua constiinta pe pamant.
“Coruptia” interioara
Suntem divizati in atat de multe “sub-personalitati”…. ganduri, emotii, vise, dorinte, amintiri, sperante. Toate acestea creaza un amalgam incredibil de puternic in “mintea” celulelor noastre. Un bagaj pe care il mostenim de la generatii trecute, caruia ii adaugam si noi propria greutate si pe care il predam catre urmasi, aproape fara nicio modificare.
Toate aceste parti, fiecare cu vibratia ei, ne creaza o personalitate dizarmonioasa. Constient sau inconstient ne sabotam adevaratul Sine, uniunea tuturor acestor mici parti. Ne e “foame” de mai mult pentru a umple golurile emotionale – si exista o singura solutie la “foamea” noastra. Intensificarea iubirii din noi.
Trecem prin vremuri de mari transformari. “Coruptia”, haosul nostru interior cauzeaza atat de multe dezechilibre celorlalti, naturii, planetei in ansamblu. Suntem bombardati cu frica din toate partile si doar conectarea la sursa iubirii si intelepciunii ne poate oferi hrana dupa care tanjim.
Si fiecare e mai departe sau mai aproape de propriul suflet, de acea parte din noi care viseaza si manifesta perfectiunea noastra originara. Avem nevoie doar sa-l ascultam, sa ne acordam la “frecventa compasiunii” – cel mai nobil sentiment – si sa daruim.
articol scris de Marius Stan si preluat de pe
" Cand lumina din noi creste, iubirea devine mai puternica." — Jasmuheen
Time is Now
The place is wherever you find yourself. Lift up
your hearts. Ignite your minds. Show forth the light that you are into all the worlds. Let no world or space within you escape the brilliant light of your true nature. May the light and the darkness be joined in peace. May you be blessed for this. May you be blessed. "
joi, 1 iulie 2010
Hraniti-va cu iubire
miercuri, 30 iunie 2010
Art of blessing
On awakening bless this day, for it is already full of unseen good which your blessings will call forth, for to bless is to acknowledge the unlimited good that is embedded in the very texture of the universe.
On passing people in the street, on the bus, in places of work and play, bless them. The peace of your blessing will companion them on their way, and its aura will be a light on their way, and its aura will be a light on their path.
On meeting people and talking to them, bless them in their health, their work, their joy, their relationship to the universe, themselves and others. Bless them in their abundance and their finances, bless them in every conceivable way, for such blessings not only sow seeds of healing but one day will spring forth as flowers in the waste places of your own life.
As you walk, bless the city in which you live, its government and teachers, its nurses and street sweepers, its children and bankers, its priests and prostitutes. The minute anyone expresses the least aggression or unkindness to you, respond with a blessing: Bless them totally, sincerely, joyfully – for such blessings are a shield that protects them from the ignorance of their misdeed and deflects the arrow that was aimed at you.
To bless means to wish, unconditionally and from the deepest chamber of your heart, unrestricted good for others and events; it means to hallow, to hold in reverence, to behold with awe that which is always a gift from the Creator. He who is hallowed by your blessing is set aside, consecrated, holy, whole. To bless is to invoke divine care upon, to speak or think gratefully for, to confer happiness upon, although we ourselves are never the bestower, but simply the joyful witnesses of life’s abundance.
To bless all without distinction is the ultimate form of giving, because those you bless will never know from whence came the sudden ray that burst through the clouds of their skies, and you will rarely be a witness to the sunlight in their lives.
When something goes completely askew in your day, when some unexpected event upsets your plans and you also, burst into blessing. For life is teaching you a lesson, and the very event you believe to be unwanted, you yourself called forth, so as to learn the lesson you might balk against were you not to bless it. Trials are blessings in disguise, and hosts of angels follow in their path.
To bless is to acknowledge the omnipresent, universal beauty hidden from material eyes; it is to activate that law of attraction which from the furthest reaches of the universe, will bring into your life exactly what you need to experience and enjoy.
When you pass a prison, mentally bless its inmates in their innocence and freedom, their gentleness, pure essence and unconditional forgiveness; for one can only be a prisoner of one’s self-image, and a free man can walk unshackled in jail, just as citizens of a free country may be prisoners of the fear lurking within their thoughts.
When you pass a hospital, bless its patients in their present wholeness, for even in their suffering, their wholeness awaits discovery within them. When your eyes behold a man in tears or seemingly broken by life, bless him in his vitality and joy, for the material senses present but the inverted image of the ultimate splendor and perfection that only the inner eye beholds.
It is impossible to bless and judge at the same time. So hold constantly as a deep, hallowed, intoned thought the desire to bless, for truly then shall you become a peacemaker, and one day you shall behold, everywhere, the very face of God.
And of course, above all, do not forget to bless the utterly beautiful person YOU are.
Blessing is not a technique we perform but a presence we embody. It is not an act we do to someone or something, but a relationship we form with them that enables us all to be embraced in the presence of an unobstructed world.
A blessing can take many shapes – a hug, a tone of voice, a word or glance. What makes it a blessing is the spirit we bring to it.
A constant reminder of spiritual masters is that one cannot grow spiritually as long as one is burdened mentally by the habit of judging others.
Systematically replace every single thought of judgment with blessing – especially for that fellow at the office who drives you out of your wits!
Try blessing.
You will be the first to benefit from it!
by Pierre Pradervand
luni, 28 iunie 2010
Oneness - code of divine love
"Feel the love of God;
then in every person you will see the face of the Father,
the light of love which is in all.
You will find a magic, living relationship uniting the trees, the sky, the stars, all people, and all living things;
and you will feel a oneness with them. This is the code of divine love. "
- Paramahansa Yogananda
Be alive - the world needs you
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
-Howard Thurman
joi, 24 iunie 2010
Can Meditation Transform the World?
Be the Love you would like to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi famously said, " Be the change you want to see in the world." In other words, change has to start within ourselves; we cannot expect the world to change if we do not.
Meditation is the basis for ALL inner work. Meditation gives us the space to see ourselves clearly and objectively, a place from which we can witness our own behavior and reduce the ego's influence.
We invite you to learn how to re-evaluate your life by understanding your mind, experiencing your inner spiritual powers and drawing peace and strength from a higher source. You can also learn how to use the mind more effectively with clear and practical guidance in the technique of meditation.
We'll share more about it on Saturday, 26th July 2010 in Cluj Napoca, Romania :)
Adress: Eremia Grigorescu street, no. 126, 5th floor, ap. 41.
You are hearthly welcome at 4.00 pm hours.
luni, 21 iunie 2010
Give thank you
Every night before you fall asleep, replay in your mind the good moments of the day, and give heartfelt thanks for each one of them. Think about the next day also, and intend that it is going to be amazing, that it is going to be filled with love and joy, and that all good is coming to you.
Intend that it is going to be the best day of your life. Then when you wake in the morning, BEFORE you get out of bed, declare your intentions again for the day and give deep thanks as though you have received them all.
miercuri, 16 iunie 2010
Fântâna tineretii din constiinta

Daca iti mentii un mental tanar, proaspat si alert, imbatranirea nu exista.
luni, 14 iunie 2010
The greatest gift for humanity: Meditation

Apart from the benefits for living this life, we attain the final Liberation
vineri, 11 iunie 2010
Adevarata frumusete - esti ceea ce gandesti
Descopera in profunzimea ta, adevarata virtute, adevarata frumusete, adevarata bunatate. Ai credinta ca ea este acolo si ca o vei gasi cand o vei cauta. Daca refuzi sa vezi ce este cel mai bun in tine si alegi sa te intarzi pe partea negativa din tine, trebuie sa fii gata sa accepti si consecintele, caci atragi spre tine ceea ce mentii in gandurile tale.
Esti ceea ce gandesti. Gandeste-te doar la ceea ce este cel mai bun si astfel vei atrage spre tine tot ce e cel mai bun. Sa stii ca poti sa faci orice atunci cand SUNT cu tine, atunci cand Te conduc si Te ghidez. Daca accepti ca SUNT in tine, cum ar putea fi altfel?
joi, 10 iunie 2010
Film Siddhartha by Herman Hesse
It brought me much in the Space of Present, in the Now.
20 ways to celebrate life

2. Eat ice cream.
3. Run on the beach.
4. Call someone who is ill or lonely. Listen to their story.
5. Listen to music that touches your heart.
6. Sing in the shower.
7. Visit the grave of a loved one and celebrate your breath.
8. Play with a dog.
9. Thank yourself for putting up with all the things about yourself that drive you nuts.
10. Apologize to someone you have wronged in any way.
11. Take a day, or even a few hours off to do something you always wanted to do.
12. Eat something you never indulge in and savor every bite. No guilt permitted.
13. Re-watch your favorite funny or happy movie in your most comfortable clothes.
14. Make plans with 2 friends that you are crazy about but never see.
15. Go outdoors, sit in a quite place and listen to the world.
16. Smile
marți, 8 iunie 2010
Filled up with love
I decided to be full of love and to give my love to everyone.
The more I love everyone else, the better I feel.
And the better I feel, the more I love the world.
Love cured my fear.
Dr. Karl Menninger said this about love:
"We do not fall in love, we grow in love and love grows in us."
Let enough grow in you to fill you up and you'll be satisfied forever.
sâmbătă, 5 iunie 2010
A wonderful movie: Amelie

Life as a miracle
"There are two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."
Albert Einstein
Friends are angels
"Our friends are like angels who brighten our days
in all kind of wonderful, magic ways-
their thoughtfulness comes as gifts from above
and we feel we're sorrounded by warm, caring love.
Like upside-down rainbows, their smiles bring the Sun
and they fill our moments with laughter and fun.
Friends are like angels without any wings
blessing our lives with the most precious things."
vineri, 4 iunie 2010
What is it to be Compassionate?
Please find out for yourself, feel it out, whether a mind that is hurt, that can be hurt, can ever forgive. Can a mind that is capable of being hurt ever forgive? And can such a mind, which is capable of being hurt, which is cultivating virtue, which is conscious of generosity, can such a mind be compassionate? Compassion, as Love, is something which is not of the mind. The mind is not conscious of itself as being compassionate, as loving. But the moment you forgive consciously, the mind is strengthening its own center in its own hurt. So the mind which consciously forgives can never forgive; it does not know forgiveness; it forgives in order not to be further hurt.
So it is very important to find out why the mind actually remembers, stores away. Because the mind is everlastingly seeking to aggrandize itself, to become big, to be something. When the mind is willing not to be anything, to be nothing, completely nothing, then in that state there is compassion. In that state there is neither forgiveness nor the state of hurt; but to understand that, one has to understand the conscious development of the "me..."
So, as long as there is the conscious cultivation of any particular influence, any particular virtue, there can be no love, there can be no compassion, because Love and Compassion are not the result of conscious effort.
joi, 3 iunie 2010
If Love is Really Love
Never misunderstand love for something else. If love is really love...
What do I mean when I say 'really love'? I mean that JUST BEING IN THE PRESENCE OF THE OTHER YOU FEEL SUDDENLY HAPPY. Just being together you feel ecstatic. Just the very presence of the other fulfills something deep in your heart. Something starts singing in your heart -- you fall into harmony. Just the very presence of the other helps you to be together: you become more individual, more centered, more grounded. Then it is love.
Love is not a passion, love is not an emotion. LOVE IS A VERY DEEP UNDERSTANDING THAT SOMEBODY SOMEHOW COMPLETES YOU. Somebody makes you a full circle. The presence of the other enhances your presence.
Love gives freedom to be yourself -- it is not possessiveness.
So, watch. Never think of sex as love -- otherwise you will be deceived. Be alert. And when you start feeling with someone that just the presence, the pure presence -- nothing else, nothing else is needed. You don't ask anything -- JUST THE PRESENCE, JUST THAT THE OTHER IS, IS ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU HAPPY... something starts flowering within you, thousand and one lotuses bloom. THEN YOU ARE IN LOVE, and then you can pass through all the difficulties that reality creates.
MANY ANGUISHES, MANY ANXIETIES -- YOU WILL BE ABLE TO PASS THROUGH ALL OF THEM. And your love will be flowering more and more -- because all those situations will become challenges. And your love, by overcoming them, will become more and more strong.
LOVE IS ETERNITY. If it is there, then it goes on growing and growing. Love knows the beginning but does not know the end.
The Discipline of Transcendence
miercuri, 2 iunie 2010
5 Steps to the Life You Wish For
Well in a world of opportunity and miracles, anything is possible, and as soon as you BELIEVE this then things will start to happen. So, don't panic, here is our 5 easy steps toward living that dream.
1 - Get visual
Start by going through magazines and ripping out any pictures that 'speak' to you.
They may resemble the way you would like to wear your hair, ... or they may represent freedom, love or foreign places. Go with instinct. This process will enable you to 'visualise' this new life. Paste the images onto a board and hang it on the wall where you can see it often.
2 - Write it down
By writing down your goals you can then start to plan out what you need to do in order to take steps toward achieving them. It is also helpful to note down what you see as stopping you from realising them. Keep yourself flexible, goals can be easily moved, but remember to stick with your plan - it is easier to travel with a map.
3 - Think positive
Start to embrace change rather than see it as something of disrupt and anxiety. Make positive affirmations daily, telling yourself that you WILL fullfill your goals. You can do whatever you put your mind to - but you must BELIEVE it.
4 - Take action
You can get rid of frustration and doubt by taking baby steps toward your dreams. So you want to run a bistro in France? Well how about starting from TODAY, you seek out language classes, or get a book from the library. Do something each day that is working toward this goal, even if it is trying out some new recipes or depositing money into a savings account. Remember to keep track of your progress by ticking off your small daily and weekly goals toward your new life.
5 - Persist
It is perfectly normal to get disheartened every now and then. When times are hard you must persist. Do something to get back in a positive frame of mind. Remember why you are doing it, look at your picture board, look at the goals you have ticked off already. Have patience, but keep going - you will get there in the end!
by Lorna O'Malley
marți, 1 iunie 2010
Inner Child
an artist, once we grow up?" Pablo Picasso

Your Inner Child never leaves you.
The secret is to keep our Inner Child in balance,
by nurturing ourselves, despite the fact that during the day we may be subjected to a number
of negative emotions.
You need to feel always good and to be able to love yourself if you want to truly love another.
To be a child is to be pure, innocent and believing that anyting is possible, just like in a dream.
Happy Children's Day, every day!
Thanks for sharing, sis Betty!
Bucuria este ceva la care sa te raportezi.
Siguranta si bucuria pot veni separat. Pot fi si impreuna, insa nu neaparat. Nu exista o asemenea garantie.
Daca prima ta grija este sa iti asiguri siguranta, poti sa nu experimentezi niciodata adevarurile bucuriei.
Nu iti sugerez sa fii iresposabil si nesabuit, dar consider-o ca o invitatie sa fii indraznet.
N.D. Walsch
marți, 25 mai 2010
Movie: "Lake House" Love beyond limits

Yes, Love has conquered time and space .
Last evening I saw a very original movie "Lake House"
with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves.
The story stresses that the Reality is the one
we create in our mind and their coordonates may be expresed beyond the time and space.
The subject is revealed to us in a misterious way, because they share their chemistry of love in parralel times.
As the characters get to know each other through correspondence, the film seduces you into suspended belief.
Even she lives in the future and him in the past, they make possible to make their love to become possible in Present.
Thank You, sis Roji for sharing this movie-gift!
Be in wonder of your magnificence
Time is only Now

This is an amazing Truth.
I'm breathing its meaning early from the sunrise.
How much we are losing of thinking of the Past.
As much as we think of the past, we get entagled.
So, we must think only of the Future.
This is a very difficult thought, I know, but...
we can train our mind. You control the mind.
If mind is not well balanced it goes everywhere, wanders and you can't control it. You can't take work from it, but it takes work from you. So, we are under its clutches. Under the past paradigmas, in the same time.
Being aware and in the time of inner transformation, that thing ( past) is washed up.
You may born new in a conditon of a baby child.
The mind is the only instrument of Realisation. It may be also the instrument of a vicious thing, but we work on it to take it out.
So, let's see: I know that is difficult to let past away, to detach from its illusion, but LOSING IS GAINING.
"Thinking of the past is marring the future" said Babuji.
Which kind of future are you creating Now?
luni, 24 mai 2010
6 impossible things before breakfast

Alice laughed. `There’s no use trying,’ she said `one can’t believe impossible things.’
`I daresay you haven’t had much practice,’ said the Queen. `When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
Pe mine replica asta m-a marcat, pur si simplu. M-a dus într-o stare de reflectare si de meditaţie.
Am stat şi m-am uitat în gol gândindu-mă la un asemenea “exerciţiu de imaginaţie”.
Şase lucruri imposibile?! Cum aş putea să mă gândesc in fiecare dimineata la şase lucruri imposibile ? Sa credem in sase lucruri "imposibile"...
Este bine sa ne gandim mereu la sase "imposibilitati" care sunt de fapt dorinte, si pe care le intentionezi cu fermitate si credinta spre univers in rasaritul zilei...
Enjoy your breakfast! :)
ps. tell me 6 "impossible" things about you